The Metz family

The Metz family

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Welcome to the adventure.....

    James 1:27 reads "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (NIV)  Isaiah 1:17 tells us "Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." (NIV)

    At some point in my early teenage years I read those verses or heard some sunday school lesson or sermon about them....I dont remember the specifics.  But those verses had a profound impact on my young heart.  
    My parents love the Lord and made every effort to be sure I grew to know the Lord as well. We didnt just go to church on Sunday, and say we were Christians.  My parents made sure it was REAL....we served. We worked. We gave. We prayed. We went.  
    At four years old I tagged along on my first missions trip to France.  There were many trips to France, then Peru, as well as serving in our own neighborhood.  I saw faces.....faces of different colors, words in different languages, cultures that were beautiful but so different from mine. I also saw children....children with serious needs...needs for food and water, clothing needs, a need for a shower!  But what hit me hardest in seeing the faces of those children was knowing that they needed LOVE and the Savior who IS love.
    So God started quietly working on my heart....I wanted to help, to love people who had needs.  (I guess thats why I'm a nurse today!)  As my teenage years carried on, I thought about the need for family, and how wonderful mine was.  I knew there were millions of children without love or family- or Jesus. It broke my heart as I read book after book after article about orphans waiting for a family.
    And I thought.......I could help them. Well, certainly not ALL of them, but if I could love one forever, that would make a difference.  There were so many in need- already waiting.  So that's how it 13 years old I was already feeling God tugging me toward adopting a child one day.  

    Fast forward 20 years and I had been on more missions trips (including a truly powerful trip to an orphanage in Kenya), and sponsored several children overseas.....but it wasnt enough....I still knew God wanted me to give more.  I was happy to give money to sponsor, or give a coat to a child in winter, or pray with a hurting child, but God was still telling me, "There is more you can do.  Give your whole self- give them ME, give them a family, give them love."
    I was willing to take that God moved.....He moved in huge ways in the heart of my husband (who had never even considered adoption when we met!).  He moved Dave's heart to the point of willingness too....and we were ready to take the adventure together!

    So here we are....a less than perfect, but willing, family who wants to honor God by not only saying we are Christians, but by following in ways that show His love to others.  We are willing to love and accept the child that God wants to be part of our family!  
    We are excited to see how God will continue to direct us through the adoption process, but we ask that if you are willing- would you please pray for us?  We need patience for the wait, wisdom for decisions that need to be made, faith that God will provide the means to complete the process......

    Thank you for coming on this adventure with us .....only God holds the map, but we are ready to go!

                                                                                                                 - Nifer


  1. Very exciting. Good luck on your journey.

  2. I'm so excited for your family's journey! And I'm super excited that you are willing to step out of your comfort zone (Computers) to allow all of us to join you and your family on this amazing journey. Thanks!!

    1. Thanks MA! haha- lots of things about this are out of our comfort zones- but yes, the computer definitely qualifies! :)

  3. Yay! How exciting!! Isn't it amazing how God changes and moves hearts when we are willing to step out in faith and just say 'yes'? I'm interested to see how it all plays out and praying for you and your family. Oh, and ironically my husband and I visited a few orphanages in Kitale, Kenya too, and boy, did they change my heart!! Those children had such a joy like nothing I have ever seen! :)

    1. Thank you Tina! We so appreciate your prayers in this process! We want to keep our eyes on God's will for our whole family and watch how He moves in great ways! Kenya is such a beautiful country with some of the nicest people I ever met....I will never forget our time in Karundas. Im glad we have both had those experiences..those BLESSINGS!

  4. Woohoo! So happy that this is happening! Looking forward to you chronicling your journey. Know that I'm praying through all the UPS and downs during this time for you. <3.

    1. Thank you Jenny!!! Those prayers mean so much- thanks for journeying with us!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nifer, you and David are amazing people with a true heart for God. As busy as you are in your lives, you always find time to serve the Lord. I am not surprised that you are following God's lead to have you adopt. What awesome servants you are. I'm so inspired by the both of you. Please know that I will be keeping your family and this process in my prayers. God bless you both, and may He bless you richly from His storehouse of blessings from heaven. I pray that your process goes smoothly. I am certain the child you get will be blessed by being a member of your family, but I am also certain that you will be blessed and amazed by the child that comes into your lives. All of you will learn amazing new things. This is so exciting!!!


    2. Thank you Connie! Your prayers and encouragement are special to us!

  6. You are such an amazing and inspiring women! With such a great family! I am looking forward to following your journey. You will be in my prayers through this exciting time!

    1. Thanks Katie!! i think i do have a pretty great family :):) thanks for joining us on the journey!! :)
