The Metz family

The Metz family

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Our baby is just "our baby"

Happy New Year! 2015.....the year of our new baby.
We hope!
     With a new baby on the horizon, and many friends having babies of their own recently, it occurs to me that even though our baby will come to us in a different way than the "bio babies" being born around us, they will still be simply..... a baby.
...and we will simply be parents of a new baby.
...and Liam will simply be a big brother.
     We will not refer to the baby as "the adopted baby" and we dont want to be referred to as "the adoptive parents"....we are just "the parents." Our children do not need special prefixes and don't need to be referred to in ways that distinguish them from each other. They are simply "our children."  Having a newborn in the house again will likely be much the same as it was 4 years ago (but hopefully with less hours of crying!)
     This week, a friend asked how they can help us when our baby to be arrives....(what a great joy to know others care and are there to support you!)...and I imagine we'll need the same kind of help that any parents of a new baby will need. Once our baby is home, they- and we- are just like any other newborn, any other parents, any other family with the same struggles of sleepless newborn nights and crying fits and endless dirty diapers.
     With these thoughts in mind, I found a blog called "Joy Comes in the Morning".
    In this post, Angela gives some great ideas for how to help waiting families, and how to help once the baby has arrived. Many of these ways to help are great for not only waiting families but for biological families awaiting the birth of their baby.
     This encouraged me to think more about being the hands and feet of Jesus to other families when a new baby joins them....I hope it will encourage you too!!

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